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Wednesday, June 24, 2015

Hi All!

The weekend of my hometown bridal shower was one of the best weekends I've ever had. I hope you enjoy my vlog of those 3 days in Ohio. Be sure to check out and Subscribe! to my YouTube channel for more videos!

~ A ~

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Tuesday, June 23, 2015

Since Jeff and I decided to get married in LA, my mom and her best friends really wanted to make sure I had a shower back in Ohio. They wanted our friends and family back east to feel like they were still a part of the celebration - I did too. It was important to Jeff and I that everyone in our life felt like they were valued in this season. We have had so much support the last couple of years, especially from the communities we grew up in. 

My mom's two best friends, Dar and Kristi put together a Cupcake themed soiree at Kristi's house. About 40 women joined us for the party from my aunts to my grade school teachers. Jeff and I were INSANELY blessed by their gifts and words of affirmation. Among my favorite presents were candle holders my Mom had bought for me when I was born, a rose gold Pandora charm from my Dad, an engraved Christmas ornament, special brie baker and a Scrapbook Cookbook by Mom put together with recipes from everyone at the party. 

One of the best parts of the day was being surrounded by ladies I haven't seen in years. A family friend drove in from Michigan for the day, my cousin and Aunt came up from Columbus and 2 of my college best friends surprised me by staying for the weekend. 

We played games of who knew me best, sipped drinks at the champagne bar and ate delicious chicken salad and cupcakes. Even though it was freezing outside, it was warm and bright in the house - I couldn't have imagined a better way to celebrate back in my hometown. 

Here are some of my favorite photos of the day....

Dar hand made the favors, photo pie dish magnets!
The guests even filled out special memory and encouragement pages for me to keep.
Reunited with my cousins!

~ A~

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Wednesday, June 17, 2015


A while back now myself, Jeff and our 2 best friends Loee and Joel took a belated Birthday Cruise to Catalina Island. We had been wanting to check it out since we moved to LA and had heard it made a great day trip. I can now confirm that one day is plenty of time on this little island. 
We booked seats on the Catalina Flyer and departed early on a Saturday morning. After some serious sea sickness (a first time for me) we arrived in Avalon. We started out with brunch (obviously) at Original Jacks. We then made our way to the Golf Cart Rentals (necessary for island travel). I would recommend you go to the closest rental shop by the dock. 4 hours for 60$! 

We spent the rest of the day getting lost on the roads, taking snapshots and exploring random outposts on the way. What outposts you might ask? Check out my YouTube vlog below for a complete video diary :)

~ A ~

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Wednesday, June 10, 2015

Hi All!

Here is a vlog from mine and Jeff's Day Date in Laguna Beach. It was such a nice get away before the wedding. I hope you enjoy a glimpse inside the beautiful LB. 

 Crescent Bay Seals!

 Downtown Laguna

 Montage Resort


PS - Subscribe to my YouTube channel for more videos!
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