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Friday, July 22, 2016

I discovered B Sweet when trying to show out-of-town friends that LA has an amazing dessert scene. The first time I went was an absolute mish'. We had just finished Sunday dinner and realized the restaurant closes at 8 pm. At 7:40, I called the restaurant and begged them to stay open for us (a party of 12) and promised we would be there in 15 minutes. Not only did they keep the doors open but they also gave us some of the best service and desserts I have had to date. 

The other night my friend Brianna and I made our way back to B Sweet as a craving had grown quite strong since my first visit. The shop is located in the heart of Sawtelle's Little Osaka district. Although it is small and the line grows quite long (always a good sign) the servers move quickly. We have never had to wait to long for our treats. 

B Sweet's claim to fame is their signature Bread Pudding. I had never really eaten the stuff before B Sweet but now I find myself scanning for it on menus. The shop posts their flavors of the week on a chalk board near the front of the store, tickling your fancy before you are even in line. 

In the event you don't care for Bread Pudding - shocking I know - B Sweet also offers up an array of baked desserts and ice creams. I highly recommend the Bread Pudding but I have also had the Sluttiest Brownie and it did not disappoint. 

Brianna and I made our way to the counter and chose between two sizes (Being Bad and Being Good) and multiple pudding flavors. The staff is super accommodating and encouraging, often suggesting you add a scoop of their ice cream on top of your pudding. This is an excellent choice but be warned it will fill you to the brim.

Oh just take a look at those delectables... 

We were Good and got 2 small boxes of Snickerdoodle and Peanut Butter Chocolate Bread Pudding. 

I highly suggest B Sweet if you are on the West Side or if you just enjoyed some delicious Ramen on Sawtelle and are fancying a sweet night cap. I have visited the shop a handful of times now and have enjoyed every spoonful.

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Thursday, July 14, 2016

I had the privilege of attending the Architecture and Design Museum's inaugural exhibition at their new location in the Downtown LA Art's District. 

SHELTER: RETHINKING HOW WE LIVE IN LOS ANGELES brought together a collection of residential concepts for how we could better preserve space and reduce waste. It was incredible to see how diverse the proposals were, ranging from sponge filtration systems to aggregated units where there is currently unused land. The exhibit focused on the potential of the Wilshire Corridor and how new public transit systems and technologies can benefit the city and help solve the local environmental and housing crises. 

The buildings' designs were incredibly impressive, making the best use of space and surrounding structures while utilizing technologies that could provide better water distribution and temperature management.  

Concepts were shown alongside of their proposed final stages which allowed us to better understand the process of building these new systems. I loved that the architects (visually) walked us through the design and construction of their new housing systems.  

I found one of the most innovative proposals to be Aggregated Units in between existing city blocks. This concept suggests that new housing can be built in the voids between residential units all over the city. This would avoid massive demolition as well as provide new community zones. 

Having never been to the A+D Museum before, I was so so impressed with the experience. Although the space is small, it boasts a large enough gallery to explore for an hour as well as a sweet gift shop. I am so thankful to the Museum for not only providing an enjoyable viewing experience but for also informing us on the potential (and importance) of inventive housing systems in Los Angeles.

I am looking forward to a return trip to A + D. You can explore their current exhibition FAST FORWARD: THE ARCHITECTURE OF WILLIAM F. CODY now through September 25th. The museum is 7$ for Adults and 5$ for seniors and children. 

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Tuesday, July 12, 2016

After a delicious picnic lunch at Rideau Vineyard, we made our way over to Solvang Danish Village for shopping and desserts. Rooted in Danish heritage, Solvang Village offers a wide variety of shops, tasting rooms, meeting places, museums and historic churches. Of course our first stop was for some classic danish treats. 

We then spent the next couple of hours getting lost in the busy streets and exploring the boutiques and galleries. 

After a quick stop for fudge, we entered my favorite little shop Edelweiss. This place was bursting from floor to ceiling with magical toys, dolls, collectibles and jewelry. We were not allowed photos but it felt as if I had stepped into a fairy kingdom. 

After a couple hours walk in the heat, we were famished and in desperate need of a respite. We made our way over to the acclaimed Mortensen's Danish Bakery for pastry and a refreshment.  

It is safe to say this was the best danish I have ever had. If you are looking for an eclectic outing or a place to take visiting family, I highly suggest Solvang - there is more than enough to entertain a whole day. 

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