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Sunday, February 14, 2016

Thai Tour #1: Thai Taste in Venice

My husband Jeff and I LOVE Thai food. Thai is our go-to food of choice anytime we have a date night or go out with friends. I fell in love with this far east food during my early days as a production assistant. I often went on dinner runs to the area Thai restaurants and have since developed an obsession with yellow curry, crab puffs and Thai iced coffee. This year, Jeff and I decided to expand and do a proper "Thai Tour" of LA. We of course had to start at our local spot House of Thai Taste on Venice Blvd in Venice.

The restaurant is located at the corner of Venice and Beethoven and has a small parking lot in the back. We went on a rainy Saturday night and were met with a small dinner crowd. 

We found our little booth under the khon masks and kinnara paintings. As the corner joint filled up we perused the long red menus. 

We opted out of the dinner special (I am not a huge rice or shrimp fan) and ordered our usual dishes. 

I went for the yellow curry and a thai iced tea as they were SADLY not serving iced coffee. Jeff chose the pad see ew as well as some crab rangoon appetizer for us. 

The yellow curry was good, not too spicy but not the most flavorful either. I did enjoy my first thai iced tea and ate the majority of the crab puffs - accidentally of course. 

We were planning to order some green tea ice cream for dessert but alas, they no longer serve it even though it appears on the menu. So with fortune cookies in hand we finished off our plates and shared our futures. 

All in all the food was good but we both agreed it not the best we had ever had. The atmosphere was cozy and we are glad to know there is a place down the road if we ever get a desperate craving.  Collectively we give Thai Taste a 6.5 out of 10. 

Until the next stop!

~ A ~

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