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Wednesday, April 6, 2016

Recreate: A Day at Deep Creek

Breakfast on the deck was the best way to start our Saturday at the Lake. After some open and honest conversations about what it would look like to reorient our lives around these desires, we reoriented our day to spend the afternoon together at Deep Creek. It's amazing how quickly vulnerability can turn into reliability. We all got closer that morning and didn't want to leave each others' sides during our open time.

We gathered our backpacks (and some classy photos) and headed down the mountain. The journey to Deep Creek was fun but intense. My little Mazda crossover was a tank on the rocky decline into the ravine. I thought we might get stuck a few times but we managed to not bottom-out on the rugged terrain. I honestly felt like I was in an episode of globe trekkers. It may have been some of the best fun we had, laughing at our own screams while simultaneously fearing flipping the car over.  

The afternoon at the Creek was a nice little venture outdoors. We climbed rocks and swung on rope, ran across bridges and jumped over waters. The boys fishing plans were sadly met with a low creek but we ended up having a blast just sitting around snacking, drinking and singing. 

I was constantly reminding myself to look up and take it all in, to stare at the tree bark and the sand and my friends make-up-less in plaid. I wanted to remember what it felt like to be in the open air, raw and restful. I wouldn't say that any of us are incredibly outdoorsy people and this was definitely not our usual environment for rest - which is probably what made it perfect for us. 

The more we laughed and talked and played, the more I realized how blessed I am to call these people friends. Nothing was ever forced between us and the conversations (and ballads) just kept flowing and flowing like the creek beside us. There are few people I have ever clicked with so quickly.



After we had had our fill of photos and sand, we journeyed back up the rocks towards the village. I took in the full ride back to the house, watching the evergreens fly by us. We got home to a perfectly clear golden hour and took advantage of our serene deck. Some of us journaled or listened to music, chatting or napping as we relaxed before dinner. I decided to challenge myself to do one thing I NEVER do enough - be still. I sat on the deck curled up in a whicker chair and covered in blankets and just was. I did some thinking and some staring out over the woods, but mainly I just sat there existing. For about 2 hours, this is all I did. I felt a peace and a calm, and heard God whispering to me that everything was going to work out, there are other people who share your creative desires out there - GO FIND THEM. My heart was greatly excited by this because I knew some of those people were seated just around me. I closed my eyes and dreamt of the future and it was so so restful...restful in a deep sense.

After our impromptu devotional time, we prepped our taco soup and enjoyed our second dinner together on the mountain. The warm joy of the day was the perfect segue way into the night that followed, a full on dance party in the great room. There is something so freeing about dancing uninhibited with friends. I am so grateful we have an MC full of not only creative people, but people unafraid to be themselves and dance like mad in a living room.

Stay tuned for our final day of adventuring in Part 3 tomorrow!

~ A ~

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